Programme de coopération transfrontalière

avec le soutien du Fonds Européen de Développement Régional

Interreg in few words

1. Who are we?

The France-Wallonia-Flanders programme: French and Belgian regions that cooperate to remove the border! The European territorial cooperation programme Interreg France-Wallonie-Vlaanderen aims at supporting the economic and social exchanges between four border regions: Régions Hauts-de-France and Grand Est in France ; Wallonia, Western and Eastern Flanders in Belgium. The programme seeks to share knowledge and practices while developing the potentials of each region, and this, for the benefit of the population of this area.

2.What do we do?

Overall, 170 million EUR coming from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) will be committed by the programme to support projects under the 4 following areas of co-operation: 

  • research, innovation and technology transfer,
  • competitiveness of SMEs,
  • heritage, natural resources, risk management 
  • social cohesion, health, training and employment